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Free PrEP*

PrEP (Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis) is a once-daily pill for HIV-negative people that offers protection against HIV. PrEP is even more effective when combined with condoms and other prevention tools. PrEP is affordable. A new Ohio program makes PrEP free for most Ohioans.

PAPI, a new Ohio program, makes PrEP free for most Ohioans.
How do you qualify for PAPI?
  • Have a negative HIV status
  • Live in Ohio
  • Make less than $72,900 annually
What does PAPI pay for?
  • Office and medical co-pays
  • Lab work co-pays (for HIV/STI testing and routine blood work)
  • Prescription co-pays not covered by other programs
  • Medical services for people who are not eligible for insurance Health insurance premiums
What other PrEP costs are there?
Your PrEP Health Navigator will help you cover the cost of PrEP medication through your health insurance and/or medication assistance programs.

Get Started

Please complete the short survey below to connect to a PrEP Health Navigator.

  • By selecting "I Agree", you agree to have the information on this form shared with and to be contacted by a local PrEP Health Navigator.
  • Do you require any accommodations such as a Translator, ASL Interpreter, or other assistance to work with a navigator?

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