Community Resource Library
This page can be utilized as a resource library for relevant information regarding HIV and STI’s. All resources are free to distribute to the public.
HIV Care & Service Organizations
- About the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program
- Equitas Health Case Management (Ohio) — phone number: 614-299-2437 x4105
- Columbus Public Health Ryan White Assistance (Columbus, Ohio): 614-645-CARE (2273)
- STEPS BOOKLET (Spanish / Espanol | Haitian Creole / Kreyòl ayisyen): A resource guide meant to encourage HIV+ individuals to take control of how they feel and live.
It Includes: resources that can guide you to organizations and agencies that can assist you with medical appointments, support groups, and many other services that you may need. On the back, a list of websites provides more information about HIV locally, nationally and worldwide, and you will find worksheets to help keep you on track.
HIV+ Support Groups:
HIV/STI Testing Resources
- is a great resource with information on symptoms, testing, and treatment for each STI! Their website may also calm any anxiety about testing as they give an overview of the tests and discuss how each test is taken. Check out their overview of testing options in Columbus, Ohio!
- Free HIV Self-Testing Programs by State
- Free STI Self-Testing Program with NurX
- Tell Partners to get Tested: Anonymously text or email a sexual partner that they might be at risk of an STI. Includes what partner tested positive for and option to look for testing sites near them. Includes COVID-19 during pandemic.
Other Helpful Resources
DIS – What is it and why are they calling?
A Disease Intervention Specialist (DIS) is a local health department employee that helps people who have been newly diagnosed with HIV or Syphilis. Their job is to find people and connect them to care and resources.